Letter of Thanks to Inglis Commissioner Anne Morin (Farm Share Food Dist.)
Letter to the Editor  |  Wed - January 13, 2021 5:33 pm  |  Article Hits:570  |  A+ | a-
Letter to the Editor:

This is one of the many reasons I like dogs better than humans...
First, we need to THANK, Inglis Commissioner, Annie Morin for connecting our community to the FARM SHARE FOOD DISTRIBUTION in Inglis to help feed our community.  Next, we need to THANK the Inglis AmVets for hosting the distribution, Lenny Licata for coordinating the VOLUNTEERS including Coast Guard Station Yankeetown when they are not out on a run to unload the truck and LOAD YOUR VEHICLE with the food.
Now, let's talk about how this works.  The folks who arranged this for our community are ALL VOLUNTEERS AND FEW ARE UNDER 60 YEARS OLD.  Needless to say, they are there at 7 AM and are out there hossing these boxes of food for you because they want to help our community.  They are certainly not doing it because they need the exercise.  BE GRATEFUL!!
Those of you (and you know who you are or if the foo shitz wear it) who are acting like these volunteers OWE you, you are sadly mistaken!  If you cannot get there on time, it is your own fault and not that of the volunteers.
Food Share distributes as much food as they can and guess what, they can run out.  It is NO ONE'S FAULT and you HAVE NO, NONE, NADA RIGHT TO YELL AND DISRESPECT ANY OF THESE VOLUNTEERS BECAUSE YOU GOT THERE LATE AND MISSED THE FOOD DISTRIBUTION.
This is simply rude, ungrateful, entitled, disrespectful behavior to GOOD PEOPLE who are working hard for our community.  
Stop your bad behavior and get off your butt and come help distribute the food or volunteer in other ways in our towns.  No one owes you a thing!
Don't like this post?????
I invite any of you who don't like this blast or are one of the disrespectful humans yelling at volunteers to PLEASE contact me directly because there is much more to be said and I would love the opportunity to do it in person.
Inglis Yankeetown Stuffers