“Overcomer” is Featured Movie in Homosassa on July 27
Announcement  |  Tue - July 14, 2020 9:13 am  |  Article Hits:901  |  A+ | a-
HOMOSASSA SPRINGS, Fla. – Friends of Citrus and the Nature Coast’s Monthly Movie Matinee feature is ““Overcomer.” Starring Alex Kendrick, Priscilla Shirer, Shari Rigby, Cameron Arnett and Aryn Wright-Thompson, it will be presented at 2:00 p.m., Monday, July 27, at the Wings Grief Center, 8471 W. Periwinkle Lane (gold building on right), in Homosassa Springs. Discussion follows the movie. Monthly Movie Matinees are open to the public and observe CDC guidelines for safety and gatherings; since space therefore may be limited, be sure to reserve your seat in advance by contacting Jonathan Beard at 352-249-1470. Friends of Citrus and the Nature Coast is a charitable organization providing community grief support workshops for anyone who has experienced a loss; telephone support; grief support resources for all ages; educational materials for parents and teachers; and children’s grief support camps. For details about other programs or for ways you can support its mission to provide help, hope and healing to people in grief, call 352-249-1470 or visit www.friendsofcitrus.org or Friends of Citrus on Facebook.