Free Alzheimer's Association webinars: Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 2020
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Free Webinars Clinical Trials with Dr. Jeffery Norton, Florida Alzheimer's Association Central, and North Florida Alzheimer's Association

Support Groups:

Alzheimer’s Association support groups, conducted by trained facilitators, are a safe place for you to share stories and discuss challenges and possible solutions. 

Click and the following two links for a list (updated on Nov. 19, 2020) of Florida's Alzheimer's support groups,
and in SPANISH:

For all programs and events, please register and receive access codes through the direct links below, or by calling the 24/7 Helpline at 800-272-3900.

Upcoming Programs and Events:

Monday, November 30

2:00 p.m. ET/ 1:00 p.m. CT, Virtual Brain Bus
Healthy Living for Brain and Body:Tips from the Latest Research
Join us to learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement, and use hands-on tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging.

Tuesday, December 1

10:00 a.m. ET/9:00 a.m. CT, Caregiver College
Effective Communication Strategies: Holiday Edition
Join us to explore how effective communication during the holidays can lower caregiver stress and create an enjoyable holiday season for the person living with dementia as well as family and friends. The program will include real-life scenarios plus tips for smoother holiday planning and meaningful communication. 

1:00 p.m. ET/ 12:00 pm Noon CT
10 Warning Signs and Participating in Clinical Trials
Join us to learn how to recognize common signs of Alzheimer’s, and how to approach someone about memory concerns. Learn about the importance of early detection and benefits of a diagnosis, possible tests and assessments for the diagnostic process, and Alzheimer's Association resources. In addition, Dr. Jeffrey Norton, M.D., principal investigator at Charter Research will present on the importance of participating in clinical trials. Jeff Norton charter research
Wednesday, December 2

10:00 a.m. ET/ 9:00 a.m. CT, Virtual Brain Bus
10 Warning Signs with Kahoot! Game
Join us to learn how to recognize common signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Learn how to approach someone about memory concerns, the importance of early detection and benefits of a diagnosis, possible tests and assessments for the diagnostic process, and Alzheimer's Association resources. Afterward, play a fun interactive game to test your learning.

11:00 a.m. ET/10:00 a.m. CT, Virtual Brain Bus Series
This day's topic is the Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer's. 
Join us to learn how to recognize common signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Learn how to approach someone about memory concerns, the importance of early detection and benefits of a diagnosis, possible tests and assessments for the diagnostic process, and Alzheimer's Association resources. Please register by calling 800-272-3900.

1:00 p.m. ET/12:00 p.m. Noon CT
Join Us Live! Making Memories
Remember When: Music and Reminiscence with Tino Nigeri and Steve Toll
This is an early-stage engagement experience hosted by the Alzheimer's Association that offers people living with dementia and their care partners time to talk and reminisce using their imagination through music. Please register by calling 800-272-3900.

3:00 p.m. ET/2:00 p.m. CT, Virtual Brain Bus Series
This day's topic is Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia
Alzheimer's disease is not a normal part of aging. Join us to learn about the impact of Alzheimer's, the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia, the stages and risk factors, current research and treatments available for some symptoms, and Alzheimer's Association resources

Thursday, December 3

1:00 p.m. ET/12:00 p.m. Noon CT, Caregiver College
Living with Alzheimer's for Middle Stage Caregivers 
In the middle stage of Alzheimer’s disease, those who were care partners now become hands-on caregivers. Join us and hear caregivers and professionals discuss helpful strategies to provide safe, effective and comfortable care in the middle stage of Alzheimer’s.

1:00 p.m. ET/12:00 p.m. Noon CT
Virtual Brain Bus: 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's

2:00 p.m. ET/1:00 p.m. CT
Virtual Brain Bus Series, 10 Warning Signs part 2. Please register by calling 800-272-3900.

2:00 p.m. ET/1:00 p.m. CT
Virtual Brain Bus: Florida Pride
For centuries we've known that the health of the brain and the body are connected. But now more than ever, and with the holidays approaching, we must focus on healthy choices to decrease stress and increase our mental health. Join us to learn about research in the areas of exercise, diet and nutrition, cognitive activity and social engagement, and use hands-on tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a self care plan. 

Friday, December 4

On-demand Anytime
Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia with a Focus on Lewy Body Dementia
Alzheimer's disease and other dementias are not a normal part of aging. Join us as we take a deeper dive into Lewy body dementia and how it compares to, and differs from, Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia including similarities and differences with treatment with special guest speaker, Melissa J. Armstrong, MD, MSc. Other topics will include the stages and risk factors of dementia, current research, treatments available for some symptoms and Alzheimer's Association resources.

Brain Bus is funded in partnership with the State of Florida Department of Elder Affairs and the Area Agency on Aging of Pasco - Pinellas, Inc.