Living Will Workshop in Homosassa Springs on July 24
Announcement  |  Mon - July 13, 2020 8:23 am  |  Article Hits:790  |  A+ | a-
HOMOSASSA SPRINGS, Fla. – Friends of Citrus and the Nature Coast will present a
Five Wishes Workshop on Friday, July 24, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m., at the Wings Grief
Center, 8471 W. Periwinkle Lane (gold building on right), in Homosassa Springs.
“Five Wishes” is free and easy-to-complete. It is used in all 50 states, meets legal
requirements for advance directives in 42 states and D.C., and is available in 28
languages and braille at By detailing your medical wishes plus
your personal, emotional and spiritual needs, it allows your voice to be heard.
Provided as a community service and offered to all at no charge, this workshop
will observe CDC guidelines for safety and gatherings. Since space therefore may be
limited, be sure to reserve your seat by registering in advance by contacting Jonathan
Beard at 352-249-1470.
          Friends of Citrus and the Nature Coast is a charitable organization providing
community grief support workshops for anyone who has experienced a loss; telephone
support; grief support resources for all ages; educational materials for parents and
teachers; and children’s grief support camps. For details about other programs or for
ways you can support its mission to provide help, hope and healing to people in grief,
call 352-249-1470 or visit or Friends of Citrus on Facebook.