Female pedestrian struck and killed in Crystal River, early July 12
Roadway  |  Sun - July 12, 2020 2:49 pm  |  Article Hits:897  |  A+ | a-
A 25 year-old woman, a pedestrian, from Fort Wayne, Indiana, was killed, early Sunday morning, July 12, in Crystal River.

According to a press release by the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), at 2:41 am, a 37 year-old Crystal River man was driving a sedan, traveling east on W. Fort Island Trail, approaching the intersection of N. Palm Springs Terrace, while the woman was walking in an easterly direction in the middle of the eastbound lane of W. Fort Island Trail. The release stated that the driver unsuccessfully attempted to avoid striking the woman, but he was unable to avoid her, and she died at the scene of the crash from injuries sustained in the crash.

The FHP no longer lists the names of people or the specific models of the vehicles involved in traffic crashes, citing Macy's Law as the reason.