Man arrested for DUI in Beverly Hills after reckless driving complaint
Thu - July 9, 2020 1:35 pm  |  Article Hits:906  |  A+ | a-
Carl Marcus Christiansen, 50, of Bellview, Florida
Carl Marcus Christiansen, 50, of Bellview, Florida
On July 5, at 2:28 pm, Carl Marcus Christiansen, 50, of Bellview, Florida was arrested by the CCSO, charged with driving under the influence ($2,000 bond) after the agency received the complaint of a red Mountaineer sports utility vehicle being driven in a reckless manner in Beverly Hills, in the area of N. Lecanto Hwy. (CR 491) and Beverly Hills Blvd.

The arrest report stated that a deputy located the reported vehicle, and followed it as it traveled south on N. Lecanto Hwy., made a wide turn east onto Beverly Hills Blvd. and pulled into a residence on Columbus St.

The deputy met with the person who made the complaint against the driver, who was later identified as Mr. Christiansen, and viewed a video the complainant had made of the vehicle being driven recklessly. While the deputy was talking with the complainant, he observed the red Mountaineer, traveling west on Beverly Hills Blvd. in the bicycle lane, veering into the proper lane of travel and then back into the bicycle lane, with another deputy traveling behind it.

A traffic stop was conducted on the vehicle, at the intersection of Beverly Hills Blvd. and N. Melbourne St. The arrest affidavit stated that Mr. Christiansen, the driver, "mumbled incoherently" when deputies explained the reason for the traffic stop, and that Mr. Christiansen submitted to roadside sobriety testing and performed poorly, that at one point it appeared as though he had fallen asleep, and a deputy caught him, several times, to prevent him from falling.

At the Citrus County Detention Facility, the report stated, Mr. Christiansen's breath alcohol test resultls were 0.00 and 0.00, and he provided a urine specimen, upon request, to be submitted for analysis at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) lab.

Mr Christiansen was also issued a traffic citation for failure to maintain a single traffic lane, with a fine of $166, and a traffic citation for driving under the influence, with a mandatory appearance at the Citrus County Courthouse on July 23.

