Best Looking Cruiser Contest 2020
Announcement  |  Wed - July 8, 2020 4:26 pm  |  Article Hits:896  |  A+ | a-
The Florida Highway Patrol's entry into the AAST's Best Looking Cruiser Contest 2020.
The Florida Highway Patrol's entry into the AAST's Best Looking Cruiser Contest 2020.
It’s that time of year again - time to cast your vote for the American Association of State Troopers (AAST) Best-Looking Cruiser Contest 2020! In 2019, the fun and friendly competition was won by the Nebraska State Patrol cruiser. 

Please VOTE for your favorite cruiser by July 21, 2020, 12:00 pm noon (EST) at:

This is the seventh year the Best-Looking Cruiser contest has been held. Although the contest is limitied to patrol cruisers, photo submissions over the years have showcase other fleet vehicles, as well, such as K-9, motorcycle and helicopter units! As you will see, state agencies never disappoint with their choice of creative backgrounds.

Contest sponsors include Tremco Vehicle Anti-Theft Systems, Sig Sauer, and Federal Signal.