The Fish/Hunt Florida App Introduced by FWC
Bowling |
Wed - July 8, 2020
3:09 pm
Article Hits:948
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Easily log & report harvested deer
Those planning to deer hunt this year are reminded about the deer harvest reporting requirements that went into effect last year. All hunters, including those exempt from hunting license and permit requirements, must log and report their harvested deer.
Beginning this year, hunters will have new user-friendly reporting options. The Fish/Hunt Florida App that many hunters and anglers already rely on to buy and store their licenses, now includes an easy-to-use option for hunters to log and report harvested deer.
Even if you’re in an area without cell service, you’ll still be able to log and report. Once you regain cell service, open The Fish/Hunt Florida App, and your harvest report will be automatically submitted, and you’ll receive your confirmation number.
You also can log your deer harvest using a paper harvest log, and report it within 24 hours online, at, or by calling toll-free 888-HUNT-FLORIDA (888-486-8356).
Having a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) customer ID number is helpful when reporting harvested deer online or via the app, and necessary if you’ll be using the toll-free phone number. Hunters exempt from license requirements who do not have a customer ID number can obtain one by going to before going hunting.
Don’t forget, you must log your harvested deer prior to moving it from the point of harvest, which is the point where the hunter located the harvested deer. You are then required to report harvested deer: 1) within 24 hours of harvest, or 2) prior to final processing of the deer, or 3) prior to the deer or any parts of the deer being transferred to a meat processor or taxidermist, or 4) prior to the deer leaving the state, whichever occurs first.
Please note, that after a deer has been logged, and prior to reporting it, you may field dress your deer and begin processing the meat while afield or at camp. However, if a commercial meat processor is used, the harvested deer must be reported before transferring the deer, or parts of the deer, to a commercial processor.
The information that was provided bu hunters last year provides another valuable source of deer harvest data, that along with the annual hunter phone survey conducted after the season, helps with the white-tailed deer management in Florida.