Man arrested - within northbound lanes of US 19 in Homosassa - after argument with girlfriend
News  |  Wed - July 8, 2020 3:07 pm  |  Article Hits:890  |  A+ | a-
Jonothan David Ridge, 37, of Homosassa, was arrested by the Citrus County Sheriff's Office, about 6:49 am, July 3, after deputies were dispatched to the Covered Wagon Campground, located at 6049 S. Suncoast Blvd. (U.S Hwy. 19) in Homosassa, due to the complaint of a disturbance.  

The report stated that Mr. Ridge and his girlfriend had gotten into an argument, that deputies were on scene when his girlfriend left the residence, and after she left, Mr. Ridge ran out onto U.S. Hwy. 19 and walked into the middle of both northbound lanes, flailing his arms around in the air.

Deputies positioned two patrol vehicles within the northbound lanes of the roadway, to prevent Mr. Ridge and deputies from being struck by passing vehicles as they placed him into handcuffs.

The report stated, that as deputies attempted to place Mr. Ridge into the rear of a patrol vehicle, he pulled away from deputies, resisting arrest, and one deputy attempted to drive-stun Mr. Ridge with his taser, but it didn't seem to have any effect on him. When the deputies finally got Mr. Ridge inside the patrol vehicle, he kicked one of the deputies on his left thigh with his right leg and crawled out of the vehicle, continuing to resist deputies. The deputies then placed Mr. Ridge onto the ground and secured his feet using a hobble restraint strap.

He was then placed into a patrol vehicle and transported to the Citrus County Detentio Facility, charged with one count of battery of a law enforcement officer, with his bond set at $5,000.