Carrie Hendricks arrested at Chiefland Walmart on rental scam charges
Police  |  Thu - September 19, 2024 11:29 pm  |  Article Hits:72  |  A+ | a-
LCSO mugshots of Hendricks (above) and Tanner (below).
LCSO mugshots of Hendricks (above) and Tanner (below).

Levy County Sheriff's Office (LCSO)

On September 17, 2024, the Levy County Sheriff’s Office concluded a fraud investigation and arrested 46 year-old Trenton, Florida resident Carrie Ann Hendricks in the parking lot of the Walmart store in Chiefland, Florida, which drew rapt attention from the public when it was incorrectly posted as a possible active shooter incident on several social media platforms.

On September 9, 2024, Deputy Landon Kennedy launched a fraud investigation when the victim complained of an incident that had occurred as the result of a rental agreement. The victim said that she had been searching for a rental home and located a listing on Facebook marketplace. In May, she contacted Hendricks through Facebook Messenger and secured a rental agreement. The victim began pre-paying rent to Hendricks in May, with the intention of moving into the home in August. When the victim arrived at the home, she found it occupied and left a note, informing the occupant that she would be moving in and changing the locks within the next two weeks. 

The occupant, who was the owner of the home, called the victim to tell her that she was apparently being scammed.

During his investigation, Deputy Kennedy obtained the rental payment information from the victim and verified that she had paid Hendricks approximately $3,000 in advance payments. He also verified that Hendricks had no affiliation to the home and verified that the homeowner had never listed the house for rent.

Hendricks' scheme unraveled on September 19, when Deputy Kennedy and detectives arranged for Hendricks to receive a 'payment' from the victim. They met, and Hendricks took another $750 from the victim. Hendricks was taken into custody as she walked toward the front entrance of the Walmart store. She was charged with scheme to defraud, and use of a two-way communication device to commit fraud ($75,000 bond). She was arrested on another, unspecified charge ($4,070 cash bond).

Robert Tanner. 45 of Fanning Springs, Florida, who drove Hendricks to this meeting, was found to be operating a vehicle without a valid driver's license. He was also taken into custody, charged with driving without a license ($10,000 bond).

Hendricks and Tanner were both incarcerated at the Levy County Detention Bureau in Bronson, Florida.