FWC's annual statewide bag limits for deer in Florida
Bowling |
Wed - July 8, 2020
3:08 pm
Article Hits:804
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It’s important for deer hunters to brush up on a rule that took effect last year: the annual statewide bag limit. This regulation set the annual statewide bag limit at 5 deer per hunter of which no more than 2 deer may be antlerless (any deer, except a spotted fawn, without antlers or whose antlers are less than 5 inches in length).
The annual statewide bag limit for deer applies to all hunters, including those exempt from hunting license/permit requirements, and it includes the combined total of all deer harvested on private lands and public lands, which includes public hunting areas (such as wildlife management areas) in all four hunting zones. The limit also includes deer harvested under permits issued for public hunting areas (quota, special opportunity, antlerless, track vehicle, airboat, recreational use permits, etc.) and during any and all seasons (such as archery, crossbow, muzzleloading gun and general gun).
Youth (15 years and younger) have their own individual bag limit, and it may include only 1 antlered deer (any deer having one or more antlers at least 5 inches in length) that does not meet deer management unit antler regulations.
Don’t forget that antlerless deer (any deer, except a spotted fawn, without antlers or whose antlers are less than 5 inches in length) may still only be harvested: 1) during seasons when they are legal to take, such as during archery season, 2) on antlerless deer days and 3) under permit i.e., antlerless deer permit issued on land in the wildlife management area system, Antlerless Deer Program Permit or Private Lands Deer Management Program Permit.
The annual statewide bag limit was developed through extensive collaboration with staff and stakeholders and is intended to improve hunting opportunities by encouraging harvest among more hunters, as well as greater selectivity while helping maintain a healthy and reasonably balanced deer herd.
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