Parkview Lanes continues social distancing for fall leagues
Bowling  |  Mon - September 7, 2020 9:25 am  |  Article Hits:523  |  A+ | a-
Parkview Lanes, 7272 N. Florida Ave. (US 41), Dunnellon, FL; phone (352) 489-6933.
Parkview Lanes, 7272 N. Florida Ave. (US 41), Dunnellon, FL; phone (352) 489-6933.

Parkview Lanes Weekly News
FALL LEAGUES:  We want to thank the bowlers who have registered for our Fall leagues.  We understand your concerns for the Coronavirus, and we will be diligently continuing our temperature checking and intensive sanitizing to provide as safe an environment as possible for your bowling enjoyment.
WEDNESDAY SCRATCH TRIO:  Terry Rummler II 299,779; Matt O’Brien 298,765; Ryan Aguilar 736; Stephanie Flory 674.
HOLDER HOTSHOTS:  Handicap:  Bronson Steinbrook 258,699; Tom Yuelling 252; Tom Steinbrook 719; Charlene West 259; Dawn Rivera 258,701; Dolly Mayes 714.  Scratch:  Tom Yuelling 200,516; Tom Marsh 181,478; Vicki Jeffers 178,511; Ellen Bowman 168,416.
PARKVIEW YOUTH:  Handicap:  John Egan 272,705; Casey Ramos 266,757; Kaitlyn Perrine 247,660; Hawley Hytovick 236; Sophia Dasch 378.  Scratch:  John Egan 180,429; Casey Ramos 160,439; Kaitlyn Perrine 121,282; Tristen Friedrid 112,296.
BOWLERS OF THE WEEK: Adults:  Terry Rummler II, 170 pins over his average, and Stephanie Flory, 167 pins over her average.  Youth: Casey Ramos, 103 pins over his average, and, Sophia Dasch, 45 pins over her average.