Take a Tour of the Towns Inglis-Yankeetown
Announcement  |  Thu - September 3, 2020 5:41 pm  |  Article Hits:565  |  A+ | a-
Tour the Town: Take a day to visit Yankeetown and Inglis on Saturday, December 5, 2020, 11:00 am-3:00 pm  

The drive is well worth it for the experience of touring our vintage homes and our local shopping that is unique to our area.  We start at 11:00 am in Inglis at a local boutique, Just Between Us, and end the day at 3:00 pm at the fabulous Blackwater Grill and Bar (formerly Izaak Walton Lodge).  There are several stops and points of interest along the way that include shopping, touring, and historical information.

Come spend part of your day to experience a tour of local commerce and our uniquely designed homes. The people at each location stop will be happy to see you and plan a reception in their personal style for you to enjoy.

There will be raffle tickets, and a map for you to follow to help you find the stops and points of interest along the route, ending with prizes at the last stop. Follow us for future details for a fun and relaxing day in historic Yankeetown and Inglis. 