Share the shore with sea turtles and shorebirds
Sports, Wildlife  |  Mon - May 20, 2024 1:41 pm  |  Article Hits:299  |  A+ | a-
FWC photos on beach: (left) black skimmer with chick and (right) nesting sea turtle.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) reminds beachgoers, that as we enjoy Florida's beaches during Memorial Day weekend and beyond, into the warmer months, nesting season is underway along our coasts for the state’s imperiled sea turtles and shorebirds. 

Beachgoers can help ensure nesting success for both sea turtles and beach-nesting birds by taking steps - such as giving them space on the beaches; removing beach furniture and trash, and filling-in all holes made by digging or the indentions made by beach gear before leaving the beach; keeping beaches clean and dark at night, and never disturbing their nests.

Because Florida’s shorelines are critical for sea turtle and shorebird nesting, anyone spending time along the beaches and coasts can have a big impact on the success of this year’s nesting season. Florida’s sandy beaches provide important spring and summer nesting habitat for several species of federally threatened and endangered sea turtles, including loggerhead, leatherback and green sea turtles, with occasional nesting by the federally endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtles. Beaches are also an important habitat for imperiled beach-nesting birds like black skimmers, least terns, snowy plovers and American oystercatchers.

“Getting too close (within 50 feet) to nesting sea turtles can cause them to leave the beach before they complete the nesting process,” said Dr. Robbin Trindell, FWC Sea Turtle Management Program leader. “By always giving nesting turtles space, you can help marine turtles have another successful nesting season in Florida this year.”

All species of sea turtles and their nests are protected and should not be disturbed; it is illegal to harm, harass or take nesting sea turtles or their eggs or hatchlings.

“People can help with nesting success of waterbirds by keeping at least 300 feet from nesting shorebirds, seabirds and wading birds,” said Florencia Morales, the FWC coordinator for the Florida Shorebird Alliance. “By giving nesting waterbirds plenty of space, you can help avoid causing them to flush from their nesting sites, which would leave vulnerable eggs and chicks exposed to the elements and predators.”

In addition to giving space to sea turtles and shorebirds, beachgoers can help with nesting success every time they visit the shore:

• Clear the way at the end of the day! 
        Properly dispose of all trash, fill in human-made holes in the sand, and remove all beach toys and furniture from the beach before sunset. Obstacles on the beach can prevent sea turtles from nesting. 
        Trash and other obstacles can also prevent sea turtle hatchlings from reaching the water once they emerge from their nests, as well as entangle shorebirds, turtles and other wildlife.         Food scraps attract predators, such as raccoons and crows, that can prey on sea turtle hatchlings, as well as shorebird eggs and chicks.

• Do the flock walk! 
        Steer clear of flocks of birds on the beach. and keep an eye out for shorebird eggs and chicks to avoid stepping on them. Shorebirds and seabirds also nest in shallow scrapes in the sand and their eggs and chicks are well-camouflaged, making them vulnerable to being stepped on.
        Never enter posted areas. Be on the lookout for posted nesting sites and signs designating Critical Wildlife Areas on the beach or coastal islands – these areas are closed to public access to protect wading birds and shorebirds while they nest and raise their chicks. 
        Help protect sea turtle nests by keeping out of marked nests and keeping pets leashed and away from any posted areas.

• Lights out! 
        In beach areas, turn off lights or close curtains after dark to ensure nesting turtles are not disturbed or disoriented as they come ashore and hatchlings do not become disoriented when they emerge from their nests. Make sure exterior lighting adjacent to nesting beaches is long, low and shielded. Avoid using flashlights or cell phone lights and taking flash photos after dark on the beach.

• Leave fireworks to the professionals. 
        Keep personal fireworks off the beach and at home; attend an official event instead. The loud sounds and bright lights of personal fireworks on Florida's beaches and waterways can have catastrophic effects on nesting birds and their chicks, as well as nesting sea turtles.

• Pet owners can also help by keeping dogs at home or on a short leash and far away from wildlife when bringing dogs to pet-friendly beaches. Even friendly dogs can be seen as predators by shorebirds, which can cause them to flush and leave their eggs and chicks.

Read or download the FWC’s “Be a Beach Hero” brochure at

Shorebirds Resources

For more information about nesting waterbirds, visit

Download the “Share the Beach with Beach-Nesting Birds” brochure at

Visit the Florida Shorebird Alliance website at to learn more about how to participate in shorebird and seabird conservation efforts.

Sea Turtle Resources

For more information about nesting sea turtles and how you can help, visit

You can also help sea turtles by reporting someone disturbing a sea turtle or nest, or a sea turtle that is sick, injured, entangled or dead to the FWC’s Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922).