Port Hotel and Marina fire, Crystal River, quickly extinguished
News  |  Wed - July 8, 2020 11:47 am  |  Article Hits:972  |  A+ | a-
Photo of fire at Port Hotel and Marina in Crystal River, courtesy of Citrus County Sheriff's Office.
Photo of fire at Port Hotel and Marina in Crystal River, courtesy of Citrus County Sheriff's Office.
    At 8:40 am on Saturday, July 4, Citrus County Fire Rescue was dispatched to a fire at the Port Hotel and Marina, located at 1610 SE Paradise Circle in Crystal River. 
    Firefighters arrived on scene at 8:48 am to find heavy smoke and fire coming from a second floor room. A Connell Heights Fire Station crew conducted an aggressive attack on the room, and a Homosassa Fire Station crew searched all rooms to make sure they were clear of occupants.
    The fire was determined under control at 8:57 am. Overhaul was completed in the surrounding rooms, and all fire extension was extinguished. All additional rooms were checked for extension and deemed clear. Crews cleared the scene at 10:22 am. No injuries were reported. Duke Energy arrived on scene to secure power to the building. Other fire stations that assisted with the fire included Crystal River, Pine Ridge, DeRosa, and Kensington.
    According to the Citrus County Sheriff's Office, the business was to be closed for the remainder of the July 4 holiday weekend.