Inverness Sertoma and Boy Scouts help to keep roadways clean
News  |  Tue - July 7, 2020 9:22 am  |  Article Hits:862  |  A+ | a-
 Boy Scout Troop 302 and Inverness Sertomans on Independence Hwy. Inverness)
Boy Scout Troop 302 and Inverness Sertomans on Independence Hwy. Inverness)
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic Inverness Sertoma Club and Inverness Boy Scout Troop 302 found a way to give back while safely social distancing. Both Sertoma and the Boy Scouts’ mission is to give back to the local community in visible ways. Inverness Sertoma has a longstanding relationship of support with Inverness Boy Scout Troop 302.

Inverness Sertoma has participated in the Adopt a Highway Program for many years. Club members find collecting trash from our beautiful roadways is always a satisfying activity which benefits our community and visitors.

Volunteers from both groups spent the morning on June 28, 2020 picking up litter and trash on Independence Hwy. in Inverness. Inverness Sertoma is responsible for approximately two miles of road and picks up trash every 90 days officially participating in Citrus County’s "Adopt a Highway Program”.

For more information about this program or how to become a member of Inverness Sertoma Club contact Cynthia Oswald at .