Regional Aquifer/Rainfall Report, as of June 30
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Mon - July 6, 2020
1:30 pm
Article Hits:1073
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In SW Florida, 80% of the water is supplied by aquifers, which are underground layers of rock and sand that hold water. The local area is within the North Region of the Southwest Florida Water Management District, which includes Citrus, Levy, Marion, Hernando, Sumter and Lake counties. The North Region's aquifer level (in percentiles) for 2020, as of June 30, was 51% (the previous week was 62%, the same date last year was 79%, and the normal range is 25%–75%). The North Region's actual rainfall (in inches) for 2020, as of June 30, was 6.62" (the June historic average is 7.56" and the June normal range is 5.26"-8.52"). The year-to-date actual rainfall is 17.34" (the Jan.-June historic average is 23.66" and the Jan.-June. normal range is 19.27"-27.50").
The North Region's average historic rainfall in inches since 2011 is 53.45, within the normal range of 48.62-58.07. The North Region's historic rainfall in inches for 2019 through 2011: 57.02" in 2019; 66.66" in 2018, 52.41" in 2018, 48.49" in 2016, 52.04" in 2015, 61.12" in 2014, 50.54" in 2013, 55.81" in 2012, and 48.35" in 2011.