Woman, behaving erratically, accused of battering deputy
Mon - July 6, 2020
1:17 pm
Article Hits:1173
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Lacey Diane Hoyt, 29, of Floral City, was charged with resisting an officer with violence, and battery of a law enforcement officer ($10,000 bond).
On June 29, a Citrus County Sheriff's Office deputy was dispatched to Ms. Hoyt's residence to check on a complaint of child endangerment, and arrived to find that all the windows, along with other items at the residence, had been smashed. The deputy reported that Ms. Hoyt, who was sitting on the ground at the rear of the residence, stated that she wanted to die, and she was going to set her house on fire.
The arrest report stated, that as the deputy spoke with Ms. Hoyt, she became "increasingly more irate," yelling at the deputy to leave, spitting at the ground in the deputy's general direction, and ignoring his commands to calm down and step away.
The deputy reported that he reached out to grab Ms. Hoyt's arm, but she pulled away, and he tripped her, using his leg, and pushed her to the ground, landing on her with his chest to her back; he said Ms. Hoyt grabbed his testicles, "squeezing them forcefully and causing severe pain," as he struggled to take her into custody.