Citrus County Landfill Recycling Center announces new hours of operation
News  |  Wed - July 29, 2020 6:25 am  |  Article Hits:784  |  A+ | a-
The recycling customer service area at Citrus County's Central Landfill has announced new hours of operation, effective immediately. The recycling customer service area is now open to citizens following the landfill’s hours of operation schedule.

Regular business hours for the landfill and recycling customer service area:
Monday through Friday - 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
Saturdays - 8:00 am to 2:30 pm.
Sundays - Closed. 

For the landfill's holiday schedule visit:

The recycling area was recently updated, and a separate entrance was created, just west of the landfill's main entrance on SR 44  (W. Gulf to Lake Hwy.). There is no need to go through the main gate to recycle. Please call 352-527-7670 for more information on recycling at the county landfill.