Water district to lower millage rate to save $6 million - about $26.69/home
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Tue - July 28, 2020
1:13 pm
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The Southwest Florida Water Management District’s (District) Governing Board voted to decrease property taxes by adopting a proposed rolled-back millage rate of 0.2669 mill for the fiscal year 2021 budget. The millage rate is more than 4.7% lower than the current fiscal year adopted millage rate of 0.2801 mill, a savings to taxpayers of approximately $6 million.
For the owner of a $150,000 home with a $50,000 homestead exemption, the District tax would be $26.69 a year, or about $2.22 per month.
The total fiscal year 2021 proposed budget for the District is $179.1 million and includes $65.5 million for Cooperative Funding Initiatives and District grants.
Through these cooperative funding partnerships, District funds will be leveraged resulting in a total regional investment of more than $119 million for sustainable alternative water supply development, water quality improvements, and other water resource management projects. The fiscal year runs from Oct. 1, 2020, through Sept. 30, 2021.
The District will hold a tentative budget hearing on Tuesday, September 8 at 5:01 p.m. at the Tampa Service Office, located at 7601 U.S. Highway 301 in Tampa, Florida.
The Governing Board will vote on the final budget on Tuesday, September 22 at 5:01 p.m., also at the Tampa Service Office., located at 7601 U.S. Highway 301 in Tampa, Florida.
Visit the District's website at WaterMatters.org/Newsroom.