Dunnellon man arrested on burglary charges
Mon - July 27, 2020 7:46 pm  |  Article Hits:644  |  A+ | a-
On July 25, at 10:01 am, Patrick Nicholas Waybright, 39, of Dunnellon, was arrested by the Citrus County Sheriff's Office, when deputies were dispatched to a residence, initially for an urgent well being check. However, as deputies were enroute to the location, they were informed that a man at the residence was in a red sedan, threatening people with a knife.

The male victim told deputies, that earlier in the morning, he walked outside and noticed that the rear passenger window of his 2008 red Lincoln sedan was fogged up, and when he got closer to his vehicle, he noticed that a man, later identified as Mr. Waybright, was asleep inside his vehicle in the front passenger seat. He said, when he questioned Waybright as to what he was doing inside his vehicle. Waybright awakened, began cursing and waving a small opened pocketknife in a threatening manner at the car window. 

He said Waybright attempted to get out of the vehicle, but he raised his leg against the door to keep it closed and yelled at his neighbor, who was mowing her lawn and then came over to see what was going on. He said, when he felt safe, he ran as fast as he could, while continuously pressing the lock button on his car key, to keep Waybright inside his vehicle while he went to his bedroom to retrieve his pistol. He said he went back outside and kept a safe distance away, on his front porch,

Deputies arrived to find Waybright still inside the vehicle. He told deputies that he'd had a good time, the previous eveining, at his friend's house on W. Gardentia Dr, in Citrus Springs. He said that a woman he didn't know had pulled up to the front of the W. Gardenia Dr. residence, and he and his friend had gotten inside the vehicle, and he didn't remember anything after that.  The female victim at the residence said she didn't recognize Waybright and believes that she locked the vehicle the previous evening, but she wasn't certain.

Deputies found no signs of forced entry into the vehicle, but a stainless steel 'slim jim' (locksmithing tool) was located under the victim's vehicle that was determined belonged to the victim and was missing from a built-in closet attached to the victims' residence.

Waybright was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intent to kill, possession of a burglary tool, burglary of an occupied residence, and burglary of an unoccupied conveyance ($24,000 bond).
