Levy County Commission changes location of Precinct 5 in Chiefland
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Mon - July 27, 2020
12:14 pm
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Levy County voters, who vote at Precinct 5 on Election Day, will receive new voter information cards reflecting an emergency precinct change due to Coronavirus Disease concerns.The change was approved by the Board of CountyCommissioners at the July 21 meeting.All voters have the option of Voting by Mail (Absentee), or voting early.
To Vote by Mail, voters can make their request from the website, by email (jordan@votelevy.com), by phone (352-486-5163), through the mail, or via fax (352-486-5146). Requests must include the voter's address and date of birth, while written requests must also include the voter's signature.Contact: Tammy Jones 352-486-5163 tammy@votelevy.com. Voters can also use the "Where Do I Vote" option at www.votelevy.gov, or call the Supervisor of Elections office (352-486-5163) to find a voter's polling location.
In addition, voters who did not request a Vote by Mail ballot were mailed a personalized sample ballot for the Primary Election, which will include the voter's polling place information.The polling location for Precinct 5 has changed to the Tommy Usher Center.The Tommy Usher Center is located at 506 SW4th Ave, Chiefland, FL 32626.Please note precautions are being made at all precincts to prevent the possible spread of respiratory diseases, like the Coronavirus. Voters can also contact our office with any questions via phone at 352-486-5163 or email at tammy@votelevy.com.