Bond waived when suspect provides information to help solve other cases
Sun - July 5, 2020
7:19 pm
Article Hits:1443
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Lance Richard Wicker, 45, of Inverness, was arrested by the Citrus County Sheriff's Office, June 19, as the result of an investigation into the theft of a 1997 Ford Ranger pickup truck that was reported to the agency on April 19 (2020).
The owner of the stolen pickup truck had been arrested, March 30, and his vehicle had been towed to his N. East Ave., Inverness property. A woman, who had power of attorney for the victim, was contacted by the truck owner's neighbor on April 19, with information that the vehicle was no longer on the property. The report stated there were fresh drag marks on the driveway, which indicated the truck may have been towed from the property.
Later on April 19, the woman with power of attorney located the vehicle, and Mr Wicker, at Dale's Auto Salvage, located at 6643 W. Linden Dr. in Homosassa. Mr. Wicker allegedly told the woman that the truck owner had given him permission to use the vehicle, but this was not true, according to the woman with power of attorney who made the complaint.
On June 11, a case detective learned that fingerprints collected from the driver's door of the stolen vehicle matched those of Mr. Wicker, and there was sufficient probable cause evidence to arrest Mr. Wicker.
During an interview with a detective, the report stated, Mr. Wicker provided "valuable information" that will assist the agency in closing numerous other cases, so his bond was set at release on his own recognizance.