Citrus County Meals on Wheels accepting new clients
News  |  Wed - October 14, 2020 5:16 pm  |  Article Hits:386  |  A+ | a-
The Citrus County Meals on Wheels Program is currently accepting “new” eligible clients for Meals on Wheels.  Citrus County residents, aged 60 or better, who are homebound (unable to leave their home without assistance) can receive Meals on Wheels provided by a Federal Grant under the Older American’s Act (OAA).  
Clients receive one box of frozen meals delivered weekly or a hot meal delivered daily Monday through Friday.  The type of meal received, is based on the area where the client lives and the delivery routes available.   Each meal provides a 1/3 of the daily nutritional requirements for adults.    
Please call 352-527-5975 to verify that you qualify and get your meal delivery started or for additional information.