Hernando woman, pedestrian on SR 200, struck/fatally injured by two vehicles
Roadway  |  Mon - November 9, 2020 12:57 pm  |  Article Hits:403  |  A+ | a-
Hernando, Citrus County, Florida - A 78 year-old Hernando, FL woman, walking across the southbound lanes of Carl G. Rose Hwy. (State Road 200) in Hernando on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 8, 2020, was struck by two vehicles and expired at the scene of the crash from her injuries.

According to a press release by the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), the incident occurred at 6:00 pm. An 18 year-old Homosassa, FL man was driving a sports utility vehicle (SUV), traveling south on Carl G Rose Hwy., south of Summit Lane, while a 71 year-old Hernando man was driving a sedan, traveling in the opposite direction (north) on Carl G. Rose Hwy., approaching Summit Lane. The female pedestrian was walking in an easterly direction across the southbound lanes of Carl G Rose Hwy. and entered the path of the SUV, which struck her and propelled her into the path of the sedan, which also struck her.

The report stated that each of the drivers was wearng a seatbelt and neither was injured.

Citing Marsy's Law, the FHP no longer identifies people involved in crashes in its press releases.