Two killed in Dec. 4, Inverness crash on SR 44
Roadway |
Sun - December 5, 2021
12:47 pm
Article Hits:293
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Florida Highway Parol (FHP)
Inverness, Florida - Two Inverness, Florida residents were killed - the 46 year-old male driver and his 12 year-old male passenger - in a single vehicle traffic crash that occurred in Inverness on Saturday, Dec. 4, 2021, at 9:40 pm.
According to a press release by the Florida Highway Patrol, the driver was operating a 2020 Jeep Wrangler sports utility vehicle (SUV), traveling west on State Road 44, east of S. Marlene Pt., and while attempting to change lanes, lost control of the vehicle, which traveled onto the north shoulder and struck a traffic sign, then overturned several times times before coming to rest.
The press release stated that both occupants suffered fatal injuries at the scene of the crash, that the driver was wearing a seatbelt, but his passenger was not.