Citrus County, Florida ambulance fees explained
Fire  |  Wed - September 13, 2023 1:22 pm  |  Article Hits:331  |  A+ | a-
Citrus County Fire Rescue (CCFR), Citrus County, Florida

Many people are unaware of the costs associated with pre-hospital emergency medical services (EMS). These costs include well-trained, qualified personnel; dependable modern equipment, and a rapid response, regardless of the time of day or location. When you consider the cost of the pesonnel and equipment, in addition to the cost of sufficient rescue stations located throughout Citrus County to provide an average response time of about 8 minutes, this is an expensive service.

Here are the most frequently asked questions in ambulance billing:

How are Citrus County Fire Rescue ambulance rates determined?
        Rates are determined through local market studies and carrier-allowed amounts. They are reviewed and approved by the Citrus County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). The level of service required during treatment and/or transport determines the cost associated with your bill.

Do my taxes pay for EMS?
        Some counties in Florida have a tax, related specifically to EMS transport. However, Citrus County does not. Citrus County must rely on the revenues collected from billing, along with a subsidy from the county’s general tax fund, to operate the service. If the service is utilized, even if you are not transported to a hospital, the patient will be billed accordingly.

Why did my health insurance NOT cover the cost of the ambulance?
        Transportation to a hospital doesn’t guarantee that the insurance will pay. The use of the ambulance must be determined by the insurance company as medically necessary and an emergency.


For additional information about EMS billing, please call (352) 527-5406.
