Letter to the editor by Linda Kelly Re: Monteverde Resignation
Letter to the editor: Re: Monteverde Resignation
We have NEVER in our lives witnessed a bigger fiasco than we did last night, 7/20/2020. We attended a ZOOM Inglis Town Council Special Meeting, called to replace Commissioner William Monteverde. During a previous ZOOM Commission meeting, Commissioner Monteverde justifiably “lost his cool” and in the heat of the moment resigned verbally. Later he reconsidered and rescinded it. Has this been done by others before? Yep - a mayor, town commissioner(s) – and it was accepted and they remained.
This time, however, it was not and a special meeting was called. After much discussion including much support for Commissioner Monteverde from attendees, the board voted 3-1 to appoint a commissioner to fill the remainder of Commissioner Monteverde’s term and not accept the recind. During the discussion, even though the Commissioners (except for Commissioner Schwing) didn’t have their video on (easier to swap notes that way?), you could hear the snide tone of their voices.
You may wonder why this angers us so. Here’s a little background. Mayor Merrit and her little band of puppets have been getting their way without keeping the town informed for too long. Then along came Mr Monteverde. He easily won his seat when he was elected because the people of Inglis were waking up to what was happening. He could be somewhat abrasive at times, but he ALWAYS had the best interests of the citizens of Inglis in mind. He brought to light many things that had been happening. A town that is hurting for money COULD, however, afford to buy the mayor a car and all that that entailed for her many trips to Tallahassee. Said Mayor had a very good job in Gainesville before retiring. Hurting towns don’t buy cars for their mayors. He brought out how a bridge replacement had been dragged out for 6+ years under the old commission (which gave the mayor’s house a “dead end” street with the bridge out). He gave alternatives that would cost less... He wanted more info on the sewer project that the mayor is pushing down our throats (NO voter input – isn’t that how dictators work?). Started out that it was only feasible if Yankeetown, Citrus County etc went along with it (according to the firm that we gave big bucks to for a study) but they aren’t going along with it. Did that end it? No – the Mayor wants it so it’s ahead full speed. Don’t forget – our town doesn’t have money for things like fixing roads etc. and the study itself said that Inglis couldn’t swing it on its own. Commissioner Monteverde wanted to know WHAT we paid $14,000 to Blake Fugate, town attorney, for 2 months “work” since we hadn’t had an itemized report from him in 3-4 months. One thing that was pointed out is that the attorney charged the town 1 hour for reading an informational email – no work involved on his part. Commissioner Brennan has just been blindly paying him without knowing WHAT FOR! This is just some of what has been brought to light thanks to Commissioner Monteverde.
It was apparent from the time Commissioner Monteverde took his seat that the Mayor and Commissioners wanted him gone because he would not become a lap dog. They did not want the things hidden under rocks to see the light of day. The past election of commissioners bought another person that would look after the interests of the town and spending practices in Commissioner Joyce Schwing. 4 people were running for 2 seats. Steve Schwing, another person that would not be a puppet, lost by 2 votes to Commissioner Brennan. So who did they appoint to fill the vacancy? The Commissioner who came in dead last in the election. Does this sound like a Commission and Mayor that care about the people that voted them into office? To me it sounds like more of the same..... rubber stamping of everything the Mayor wants no questions asked and spending never brought out into the light of day (although I think Commissioner Schwing will carry on the giving us email updates). We may NEVER know now why we pay the town lawyer so much for doing so little.
I think the people are totally fed up with non-representation in our Town. The lion is going to roar and the Commissioners and Mayor will not be happy.
Linda and Bob Kelly, Inglis