Basketball court renovations completed at Alexander Park in Hernando, FL
Sports, Wildlife  |  Sun - December 20, 2020 11:06 pm  |  Article Hits:585  |  A+ | a-
Citrus County, Florida - Dr. Devonte White, who was born and raised in Inverness and now resides in Texas, presented a proposal at the Aug. 25, Citrus County Board of County Commissioners meeting, to renovate the basketball courts at Alexander Park, located at 2552 N. Railroad Way in Hernando, FL

Commissioners voted unanimously to accept his Citrus County Community Charitable Foundation, Inc. (CCCF) grant donation in the amount of $10,000, toward the $18,831.54 project. With the $10,000 CCCF grant, and $2,000 received from local donations, the balance was $6,831.54, which was funded through Citrus County Parks and Recreation. 

Over the next few months, the project came to fruition, due to the hard work of the Citrus County Parks and Recreation Department and the local community. The renovations include new backboards and the installation of a new Versacourt surface, which is a suspended tile surface designed to be assembled on top of an existing basketball court. 

In Dr. White's proposal, he stated that he felt the park's renovation would attract more people to the park, encourage social interaction, and strengthen community ties. He envisioned the park as, "A safe haven for the family who may not be able to pay for their child to participate in a summer basketball camp, or cannot afford transportation to travel across the county to bring their child to practice." 

On Twitter, Dr. White posted, “I wanted to renovate my childhood basketball court, in order to keep the kids in the neighborhood off the streets and on the court.” 

The dedication ceremony and ribbon cutting took place, Oct. 17, on the park's basketball courts."This is a win - win for our community," said Citrus County Parks and Recreation Director Francine Nobles. "Devonte has been the catalyst for bringing the right people and organizations together to make this collaborative project happen. It has been a pleasure to work with him."