FWC approves new guidelines for 2 imperiled species
Sports, Wildlife  |  Fri - December 18, 2020 4:29 pm  |  Article Hits:528  |  A+ | a-
Photos courtesy of FWC: Florida tree snail on left, and southeastern American kestrel on right.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

On Dec. 17, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) approved Species Conservation Measures and Permitting Guidelines for the southeastern American kestrel and the Florida tree snail, two of the more than 50 species in Florida’s Imperiled Species Management Plan. 

Species guidelines are designed to be a tool for landowners, consultants, conservation partners and other interested parties on how to conserve these species. Both guidelines include recommended conservation measures and survey methodologies. The guidelines for the southeastern American kestrel, first listed as State Threatened in 1975, also offer options for avoidance, minimization and mitigation of take.

The guidelines provide species-specific information on key issues relevant to real-world conservation, and include:
•Essential behavioral patterns.
•Survey methods.
•Recommended conservation practices.
•Exemptions or authorizations for take.
•Coordination with other regulatory programs.
•Permitting options.

FWC staff conducted stakeholder outreach from April to September 2020, engaging with a variety of stakeholder groups including local governments, utility companies, conservation organizations, consultants and other state agencies. Public comments were also solicited during this time. Feedback received helped shape the guidelines.

For an overview of how Florida conserves imperiled species, go to MyFWC.com/Imperiled.