Greater amberjack season to close, Nov. 1, in Gulf of Mexico (to reopen May 1-31, 2021)
Sports, Wildlife  |  Wed - October 21, 2020 3:01 pm  |  Article Hits:526  |  A+ | a-
Photo of greater amberjack, also known as amberjack, medregal, and coronado, by NOAA fisheries
Photo of greater amberjack, also known as amberjack, medregal, and coronado, by NOAA fisheries
The recreational harvest of greater amberjack in Gulf of Mexico state and federal waters closes Nov. 1 and will remain closed through April 30, 2021. The season is scheduled to reopen May 1-31, 2021.

This seasonal harvest closure is intended to help conserve the Gulf greater amberjack population and rebuild this fishery for the future.

Learn more about recreational amberjack fishing here:
and about other saltwater fishing here: