Rule changes appoved for cobia fishery in state waters effective July 1, 2022
Sports, Wildlife  |  Thu - May 12, 2022 2:31 pm  |  Article Hits:279  |  A+ | a-
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)

At its May meeting, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) approved regulation changes for cobia in state waters. 

Changes, effective July 1, 2022, include: 

• Increasing the minimum size limit from 33 inches to 36 inches fork length for all state waters.
• Reducing the commercial bag limit from two to one fish per harvester per day for Atlantic state waters.
• Reducing the recreational and commercial vessel limit from six to two fish per vessel per day for Atlantic state waters. 

These changes are consistent with pending regulations in Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic federal waters. 

A recent stock assessment determined the cobia stock is undergoing overfishing, and as a result, reductions in current harvest are needed. These changes for commercial and recreational harvesters in state and federal waters are necessary to end overfishing, improve stock abundance and ensure future cobia fishing opportunities.  

For current recreational cobia regulations, visit