2022 Gulf recreational red snapper season: June 17-31; Oct. 8-9,15-16 & 22-23 and Nov. 11-13 & 25-27
Sports, Wildlife  |  Sun - April 24, 2022 1:05 pm  |  Article Hits:327  |  A+ | a-
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)

The 2022 Gulf red snapper recreational season will total 57 days, which will be the longest season since the state assumed management of red snapper and will include both a summer and fall season. 

The 45-day summer season will begin on June 17 and continue through July 31. 

The 12-day fall season is the longest fall season since the beginning of state management and will span the following dates: three two-day weekends in October: Oct. 8-9, Oct. 15-16 and Oct. 22-23, and two three-day weekends (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) in November: Nov. 11-13 (Veteran’s Day weekend) and Nov. 25-27 (the weekend after Thanksgiving).

Those fishing from private recreational vessels in state and federal waters in the Gulf and charter vessels without a federal reef fish permit who are limited to fishing in state waters will be able to participate in the 2022 Gulf red snapper season. 

If you plan to fish for red snapper in state or federal waters from a private recreational vessel, even if you are exempt from fishing license requirements, you must sign up as a State Reef Fish Angler (annual renewal required) at GoOutdoorsFlorida.com

Find more on recreational snapper regulations  here: myfwc.com/fishing/saltwater/recreational/snappers.