FWC approves Atlantic bluefish fishery regulation changes
Sports, Wildlife  |  Wed - July 22, 2020 10:56 am  |  Article Hits:854  |  A+ | a-
FWC Image Credit: Diane Rome Peebles
FWC Image Credit: Diane Rome Peebles
FWC approves Atlantic bluefish fishery regulation changes

At its July Commission meeting, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) approved changes to Florida’s Atlantic bluefish regulations.

Bluefish, from Maine through the Atlantic coast of Florida, make up a single population. A 2019 federal stock assessment found that this Atlantic population of bluefish is overfished. Because of the assessment results, federal fishery managers adopted more restrictive recreational bag limits in federal waters, and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission is requesting states implement similar regulations.

Changes approved by FWC include:

Reducing the recreational daily bag limit from 10 to 3 fish per person, along the Atlantic coast from Nassau through Miami-Dade counties.

Clarifying that FWC regulations for bluefish do not extend into federal waters of the Atlantic.

The effective date for these changes is to be determined.

For the full July 22-23 agenda, including links to background reports, visit

Regulations Gulf and Atlantic State Waters
Minimum Size Limit: 12" fork length
Daily Bag Limit: 3 per harvester (reduced from 10)

Gear Requirements:
Legal Gear:  hook and line, spears, gigs, seine, cast net

Learn more about bluefish recreational regulations at 

Bluefish Species Profile

Florida Rule