FWC encourages boaters to “Spring Aboard” and take a boater education class
Sports, Wildlife  |  Wed - March 10, 2021 5:01 pm  |  Article Hits:479  |  A+ | a-
FWC photo by Bekah Nelson, boating in Florida.
FWC photo by Bekah Nelson, boating in Florida.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Spring has arrived and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) wants to make sure that everyone recreating on our waters goes home safely at the end of the day. The FWC encourages all boaters to “Spring Aboard” by taking a boating safety course today. Safety is never optional! 

In 2020, Florida boating accident statistics indicated that 72% of boating deaths occurred on boats where the boat operator had never received boating education instruction -  from statistics garnered when the level of the operator's education was known, 

Though it's not currently required, owners of human powered watercraft, such as paddleboards and kayaks, are encouraged to take a boating education class, as well, so they are aware of critical boating knowledge that anyone out on the water should have, to be better prepared for the risks they may face while boating. 

“In Florida, boaters who were born on or after January 1, 1988, are required to complete and pass a boater safety education course, but everyone interested in boating should take a course,” said Maj. Rob Beaton, the FWC’s Boating and Waterways Section Leader. “There’s no reason to head out on the water without this knowledge.” 

Boaters have many ways to get educated, such as classroom courses offered by the Coast Guard Auxiliary and United States Power Squadrons, and online offerings available anytime day or night. Learn more about boater safety education here: myfwc.com/boating/safety-education/. Learn more about boating here: myfwc.com/boating/.