Citrus County's watering schedule achieving desired result
Environment  |  Sun - May 2, 2021 1:51 am  |  Article Hits:439  |  A+ | a-
Citrus County’s one day per week watering schedule achieved its desired result when Citrus County enacted mandatory irrigation restrictions in June 2020, in response to increased irrigation demands that resulted in groundwater withdrawals exceeding the Southwest Florida Water Management District’s (SWFWMD's) permitted amounts. 

The new watering schedule was deemed necessary to bring water use into permit compliance and avoid regulatory penalties. Since that time, monthly averages have fallen below the permitted limit set by SWFWMD. While March averages were the highest since the restrictions began, withdrawal figures are significantly less than they were in March 2020. The once-aweek watering schedule has worked to achieve the desired result of decreased monthly averages and is critical to ensuring compliance. 

“Our Water Conservation and Florida Yards and Neighborhoods staff will continue to assist our customers to adjust their irrigation and landscaping practices to accommodate the one-day-per-week watering schedule,” said Ken Cheek, Citrus County Water Resources Director. 

The following are the current landscape irrigation restrictions in place for all of Citrus County, with the exception of the cities of Crystal River and Inverness.
•Landscape irrigation is limited to one day per week for unincorporated Citrus County. 
•Irrigation is only allowed on a specific day of the week based on the last number of the address (see blue schedule above). 
•All landscape irrigation is prohibited between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to reduce evaporation. 
•Established lawns less than one acre in size shall choose to irrigate either before 10:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. – not both. 
•Hand watering and micro-irrigation of plants (other than lawns) can be done on any day before 10:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. 
•All wasteful and unnecessary water use is prohibited. 

For additional information on watering restrictions, please call the Citrus County Department of Water Resources at (352) 527-7669.